Journey 2 Learn wins $2,000 by popular vote in Greater Bank’s Community Funding Program

Greater Bank's support drives Journey 2 Learn's tech-focused approach for autistic kids.

Paul Crapper
July 20, 2023
Presentation of the big cheque. Left to right: Joseph Hodges (Greater Bank Robina), students Ariana Hasaj & Marcus Jewry-Turner, Linda Osman (Journey 2 Learn Founder/CEO) and student Tyler Vincin.
Journey 2 Learn is proud to announce its commitment toenhancing the educational journey of autistic and other neurodiverse children,thanks to its recent success in Greater Bank's #GreaterGoldCoast CommunityFunding Program. The organisation has secured a generous grant of $2,000 aftertopping the public vote count in the program's June round.
The funding will go towards acquiring interactive displays,laptops, and iPads, all aimed at preparing children to transition intomainstream classrooms.
Greater Bank's Gold Coast Regional Sales Manager, ScottMcCluskey, emphasised the importance of early intervention for autistic children,stating, "Research shows that the sooner children with autism receiveappropriate support, the better their outcomes will be. Individualised programsare crucial, considering the unique needs of each child. We are proud tosupport Journey 2 Learn in their mission to empower these children."
Journey 2 Learn remains dedicated to its mission, driven bythe support from Greater Bank and the broader community, to create a worldwhere neurodiverse children are celebrated, valued, and empowered throughinclusive education.
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