Larz doing schoolwork
Welcome to the Parent Training section of Journey 2 Learn, where we empower parents to become instrumental partners in their child's development journey. We understand the distinct role that parents and family play in a child's life, particularly when navigating the complex landscape of neurodivergence.
Understanding Autism
Autism is a spectrum disorder that affects social interactions and communication skills and may cause repetitive behaviours. Early intervention is crucial in assisting a child with autism to develop to their fullest potential.

Our role at Journey 2 Learn extends beyond the clinical setting, reaching into the homes and everyday lives of the families we work with. We know that creating a cohesive, supportive environment both inside and outside the therapy room can significantly enhance the progress your child makes.

Why Parent Training?
Studies indicate that children with autism can benefit from a continuous, consistent approach to therapy, extended to their home environment. We're here to provide you with the knowledge and strategies we use in clinical therapy, enabling you to reinforce these methods at home.

Parents and caregivers who participate in our training programs can expect to:
  1. Gain a deeper understanding of their child’s disorder or condition.
  2. Learn to apply the same strategies we use in our therapeutic interventions.
  3. Feel more confident in their ability to manage and understand their child's behaviour.
  4. Increase the consistency between home and clinical environments, providing a stable, predictable experience for their child.
  5. Foster a stronger bond with their child by being a central figure in their growth and development.
When parents and family members reinforce the same therapeutic strategies at home, the gains for the child with autism are potentially exponential.

The Benefits of Parent Training
Our parent training courses are designed with your needs in mind. We provide evidence-based, practical education to help you navigate your child's condition confidently.

Benefits of parent training include:
  1. Improved child behaviour and development: A study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders found that parents who received behaviour management training saw significant improvements in their child’s behaviour.
  2. Enhanced communication: By learning and implementing the strategies we use in our therapy sessions, you'll develop more effective ways to communicate with your child.
  3. Increased family wellbeing: A study in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry showed that parent training can also reduce parental stress and improve overall family functioning.
  4. Empowerment:     Our training courses give you the tools and strategies to take an active role in your child’s development journey.
By aligning your home environment with the methods we use in clinical therapy, you contribute to a seamless, stable, and encouraging landscape for your child's development.
Journey with Us
Your child's journey is our journey. We invite you to partner with us, deepen your understanding, and play a crucial role in your child's development. After all, you are your child's first teacher and most influential role model.

Journey 2 Learn will post available training session timetables on this page as sessions are made available from time to time.
